Webinar: Steel reuse in circular economy

The Finnish Constructional Steelwork Association organizes on Thursday 3rd November a webinar in English on steel reuse in the circular economy. The speakers in the webinar are international experts in the steel industry Rutger Gyllenram (Kobolde & Partners AB) and Wylliam Husson (ProDevelopment AB).

The topics of the webinar are standard proposal prEN17662 and it’s relation to steel reuse as well as how to handle reuse/recycling in Environmental Product Declarations. The webinar will also go through the future reuse Technical Specification (TS) to the EN1090 standard. Another subject is the steel reuse practices in Sweden.

Steel Reuse in Circular Economy

Webinar – 3 November 12.00–14.00 CET
Registration: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/Terasrakenteiden_uudelleenkaytto_ja_kiertotalous_webinaari_4937/en


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